Michael Pöllmann

Born in Burglengenfeld (Bavaria), he studied acting at the academy of performing arts (AdK) Ulm and at the Vienna Conservatory. This was followed by engagements at the Reichenau Festival, the National Theater of Korea, the Kijimuna festa (Japan), the song song Theater (Hong Kong), the SAMART Festival (Russia), the Chamber Theater Jekatarinburg (Russia), the Taipei International children’s Arts Festival (Taiwan), Dschungel Wien, Werk X Wien, Wien Modern, the Luisenburg Festival Wunsiedel and the Fränkisches Theater Schloss Maßbach. Michael Pöllmann also worked as assistant director at the Regensburg Theatre, the Volkstheater in Vienna and at the Szene Bunte Wähne Festival. With DIRTY RICH he made his directorial debut. Since then, numerous productions have followed, including for Dschungel Wien, Theater des Kindes Linz, Konzerthaus, Szene Bunte Wähne, Basis Kultur Wien, Marionettentheater Schwandorf, Brunnenpassage and werk89. His works have been awarded the Young Talent Award (young theatre), the Offspring Young Talent Award (young choreography) and the Stella Performing.art.prize (young theatre) in Austria and internationally with the Cultural Promotion Prize der Oberpfalz, the jury prize of the theatre festival Subotica, the audience prize of the theatre festival Belgrade and the audience prize of the theatre festival Sarajevo.